Sunday 19 August 2012

Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Holiday everyone! :D

I know I have been missing. I haven't been feeling so well lately and I was kind of busy. So I'll get some rests if there is some spare time. >.< Anyway, I am missing those days when I was still working in Starbucks, during Hari Raya. I got triple pay~ Weeee~~ XD And the Malay colleagues who came in on the afternoon shift will bring a lot of Raya food for us.. :D' It has been four years since the last time I had those. T.T Rendang~~~

A friend of mine of who was very free brought me up to KL Tower yesterday since KL's traffic would be very clear. I realized how bad our air quality is. Our vision from the observation deck could not go very far also. @.@" No wonder I fall sick so often.

My hair has grown long! It has been around one month since I cut it and now it almost touches my shoulders. I am having hard time to blow my hair to curve in. Instead, it curves out and looks super fugly, especially at the back. =.=" Need to call the hairstylist again. After this I'll try to keep my hair long again~ Lol~