Wednesday 4 July 2012

Sailormoon Collector's Cards

I was talking to a friend earlier and she told me she has bought some Sailormoon collector's cards via the Internet. As she mentioned, I remember that I still kept parts of my collection (FYI, I was a crazy Sailormoon fan when I was very young XD). I flipped the whole house, digging every cabinet trying to search for my collections. >.<

I once hoped that I will get a BF like Tuxedo Mask but I now think he looks like a gay lol.

I remember when my family was still staying in the terrace house, I owned a whole room of Sailormoon rubbish stuffs. :p Literally whole room as there was no path for me to walk around that room, all are my collection! *Proud* But then we moved to a small apartment (which we are still staying now FML), so I couldn't bring the whole room there. I decided just to grab a plastic bag of what I could bring and that's all. The remaining went to Alam Flora. Sobz!

If Sailormoon comes alive~ *drool*

I have few books for collector's cards, all those shiny ones turned from the card machines. 50 cents per card? I remember I spent whole night (and my Dad's money) just to get the cards I wanted. If I were my Dad, I would have disowned this child already. Haha~

And yeah, I found my collection from the deepest corner of my closet. (Yup, I keep a lot of junk in my closet~ XD) A cardholder with 240 pieces of shiny cards~ Whoa, I was like crying (in my heart la) when I found them. Hahaha.

One of my favourite collections. All in gown~

Some of the cards are so special. I like these silver cards very much. I wonder did I really got it from those card machines? Do they have such good quality cards? I cannot remember leh~

Then saw these translucent cards also. See through one *syok*~ and the card texture is a little bit grossy. I likey. XD

Also found some Sailormoon pins which I got them from Gashapons. Those Gashapons were so ciplak back then but these pins look not bad la, although the face a bit retarded. XD

That friend of mine is keen to buy these collection items. I have no objection of selling to her la, as I know she will keep these cards nicely. The problem is, how much should I sell them ar? *drool + evil laugh*

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